Category Archives: emergency homeowner loan program

Help for Homeowners –

If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payments or are at risk of falling behind in your mortgage payments you, there may be help for you to enable you manage your payments and stay in your home. To explore your options you should first visit the government website to find out if you can take advantage of the “Making Home Affordable” program. You may be eligible for special refinancing or loan modification if your mortgage company is participating in this program. You can find out if your loan is eligible for refinancing or modification by going to or by contacting Fannie Mae, at 1-800-7FANNIE (8am to 8pm EST) or Freddie Mac 1-800-FREDDIE (8am to 8pm EST)
You don’t have to be behind on your mortgage to seek help with this program. If you have a loan that is an adjustable rate mortgage, a balloon note or a high interest rate you may be able to refinance at a better interest rate. Or if you are experiencing a financial hardship due to a loss of income since you obtained your loan, you may be eligible for a home affordable loan modification. If you qualify for the loan modification option, participating lenders may even be able to reduce your first lien mortgage payments to no more than 31% of your gross income, by either reducing your interest rate, increasing the term of the loan or by a forbearance. Go to today to see if you may be eligible for loan modification or contact your lender and ask if they are participating in “the Home Affordable Modification Plan” or HMP.
Visit to explore your options

If you are a homeowner and are already 90 days behind on your your mortgage payments you may be able to get help through the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program. This program is only available for a limited time so you must act quickly. To learn more go to Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program or cal 1-888-995-HOPE today to learn more and speak to a housing counselor to discuss your options.